”Approach sales as building long term relationships and you will find joy in your work.”
Do you want to improve your sales and leadership skills? Now you will have the opportunity to meet three excellent business women from the US, not only with profound knowledge and experience from a business culture with a quite different attitude towards sales, but they also present uniquely designed and pedagogical tools to use that knowledge. On October 25th Rebecca Bales, Denise Walthers and Elaine Bispo Smalling will run a full day education seminar covering sales styles through Luminaspark, building rapport with customers and leadership development. This seminar is limited to 30 registered attendees. All registered attendees will also have the opportunity to take the individualized psychometric profile tool called the Lumina Portrait. (Föreläsning på engelska).
Register to PfB Education
Register by paying 3 500 SEK to bankgiro 278-9428 and state your name, email, mobile and address. The fee includes breakfast, a full day education seminar and the opportunity to take the individualized psychometric profile tool called a Lumina Portrait, lunch and goodie-bags. When we have received your payment you will get an email with more information,
Frågor? Maila education@passionforbusiness.se
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