
Tommy is making the Swedish love for Eurovision ever weirder, with sign language dance moves

Publicerad: 16 mars 2015, kl. 10:46
Uppdaterad: 16 mars 2015, kl. 10:49
Foto: svt

This is the ultimate sign. Sweden and Eurovision is the craziest combination ever. Just watch this sign language master dance.

Tommy Krångh, a quite regular man in his prime is now becoming a household name in Sweden. Or at least a household sign language dance master.

Eurovision, "The schlager festival" is a pretty huge thing in Sweden. Over a number of weeks every spring, millions of swedes take a seat in a saturday night haze filled with crisps, fizzy drinks and alcoholic beverages to watch Eurovision. Basically, the swedes are strangely crazy about their Eurovision. 

But this year, an unexpected star has risen to fame. His name is Tommy Krångh, and he is sign interpreting the songs in a special online stream of the show for the deaf and hear impaired. And well, this man really loves his job, signing and dancing like his very life depended on it. 


Just look at those moves! Who knew sign language could be so strangely arousing?

And naturally, the national praise has overwhelmed the "signy dancer". He is officially a huge star in Sweden, with people love bombing him on Twitter and Facebook. And the interpretation of this year's Swedish winner has over 50 000 shares in just two days.


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