Time flies when you don't know what the f*ck is going on. Here are 18 great WTF-moments to celebrate the fantastic South Park-years gone by.
1. Medicinal Fried Chicken (S14E03)
Who would have thought that anything even remotely as WTF as this would ever get made?
2. The Death Camp of Tolerance (S08E10)
Give it a moment or two. WTF. Then realize that little Lemmiwinks journey is actually rather fascinating.
3. Scott Tenorman Must Die (S05E01)
During four seasons we lived in an illusion. We thought we knew Eric Cartman. And sure, we knew he was a screwed up kid, but to kill two people and then serve them as chili to their son? WTF?!
4. Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow (S09E08)
And sure, we knew that Cartman was an antisemitic asshole, but we never thought he'd be completely right about the two bags of jew gold hidden inside Kyle's jacket. WTF?!
5. Eat, Pray, Queef (S13E04)
In S02E01 we all expected to find out who Eric Cartman's father was. But oh no. Instead we got 22 minutes of Terrence and Philip farting. Eleven years later Matt Stone and Trey Parker mocks the fans again by making the queef sisters episode. WTF?!
6. Goobacks (S08E06)
What would you do if immigrants from the future went back in time and took all the low-wage jobs? Well, obviously you'd scream "THEY TUUUK UUR JUUURBS!!!" and jump into a huge sticky pile of gay sex to prevent future child births. Obviously. WTF?!
7. Over Logging (S12E06)
The Internet breaks. For everyone. Randy has to try and satisfy his sexual needs by jerking off to badly drawn pictures of stick man-on-animal cutouts. WTF?!
8. Raisins (S07E14)
The boys are being called "assholes" by Bebe, and you gotta love Butters comeback: ”At least we have buttholes, you stupid girls!". We can't even...
9. Broadway Bro Down (S15E11)
Stan's sister Shelley brings her date to a Broadway musical. However, the date ends on a sad note as her father, dressed as Spiderman (of course) breaks a water pipe and Shelly's date experiences sudden death by drowning. WTF?!
10. Casa Bonita (S07E11)
Cartman really... REALLY wants to go to Casa Bonita. He really, really wants to go. WTF?
11. You're Getting Old (S15E07)
This episode made millions of fans go bananas on Google. Was Trey Parker and Matt Stone ending the show? Well yeah, no. Everything was a scam, and Stan even got rid of his alcohol addiction! YEY!
12. Helen Keller! The Musical (S04E13)
Cartman gets blindfolded in order to get into Helen Keller's head. What he sees is pretty f*cking disturbing: Nazis, murders and cakes. In other words: "just the same old crap I always see when I close my eyes". WTF?!
13. Go God Go (S10E12)
Sexscene. Richard Dawkins. Mr. Garrison. ”Oh! Pound my monkeyhole”. Holy mother of...
14. Prehistoric Ice Man (S02E18)
Steve Irwin likes animals. He likes to fight with animals. Why, you may ask? So he can stick his thumb up their buttholes of course! WTF?!
15. A Million Little Fibers (S10E05)
This is why South Park is pure genius. Oprah's lady parts teams up with her anus, and takes the studio audience hostage so they can run off to Paris. And it made us all cry at the end.
16. The Aristocrats
This is actually not from the show, but from a movie about the joke "the Aristocrats". We find it completely pointless, extremely vulgar and believe that no one should never ever see it. So here's a clip!!
17. Fishsticks (S13E05)
Kanye West goes batsh*t crazy when everyone keeps calling him a gay fish. The weird part (no, the gay fish thing is not the weird part) is that Kanye actually responded IRL, when he posted an explanation to his self-righteousness on his blog. WTF??!
18. Woodland Critter Christmas (S08E14)
Cartman writes a Christmas story. Kyle meets a bunch of cute animals who wants to save Christmas, but it turns out they're devil worshippers and Kyle dies of AIDS. Really? What.. the.. actual... f*ck?. . !
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