Just nu ligger Netflix nere. Vilket också innebär att Twitter rasar.
Att Netflix ligger nere innebär också att världen går under. I varje fall om man ska tro Twitter.
handling this #netflixdown situation. pic.twitter.com/ZI1tADgpIV
— catherine (@cattrestini) October 15, 2015
#netflix is down. I'm confused, sad, angry and I don't know what to do. Wait! Is that a book? #netflixdown
— Nina Wish (@NinaWish) October 15, 2015
#Netflix is down... But we can still grab some popcorn and watch the mass tweets of anger that will surely follow.
— Aaron Anthony (@vintage_aaron) October 15, 2015
When my Netflix isn't working and I'm just sitting here like................ pic.twitter.com/Vp5H76BZTb
— kimberly (@kimbeerlyvo) October 15, 2015
Are you serious? Do I really have to go to sleep now?? #NetflixDown
— Mirkku (@miryadel) October 15, 2015
Scratch that. #netflixdown is the worst thing that could happen...
— Ariel Wan (@FluencyAriel) October 15, 2015
Vad ska vi ta oss till utan Netflix?
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