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Här nedan kan du följa den mailkonversation som pågår mellan mig och Mr Mike Anderson, "personal accountant" till min okände och förmögne men dessvärre tragiskt avlidne släkting Khan Ohlsson. Eftersom Khan lite oväntat bodde i Västafrika så har det tydligen varit svårt att spåra upp mig – hans enda arvinge. Lyckligtvis finns det fortfarande hedersknyfflar som Mr Anderson här i världen, som inte ger sig förrän rätt har blivit rätt.
Börja läs uppifrån, jag fyller på längst ner varefter mitt och Mr Andersons gemensamma projekt utvecklas. Mr Anderson tenderar bitvis att bli lite långrandig i sina mail, säkert i likhet med många andra "personal accountants" hos vilka noggranhet ju ofta är en dygd. Det går därför att snabbscrolla hans delar om man känner för det, utan att tappa alltför mycket info.
Från: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Ämne: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 16 januari 2017 20:46:20 CET
Attention:Fredrik Ohlsson
Firstly, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction.this is by Virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret.Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make one apprehensive and worried,but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.
Let me start by first introducing myself properly to you.My name is Mike Anderson a personal accountant to late Mr.Khan Ohlsson My Purpose of contacting you is for you to help secure the funds left behind by
my late client,to avoid it being confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this fund was deposited by my client before his death.The Bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin or the account will be declared unserviceable and the fund diverted to the Bank treasury.So far all my efforts to get a hold of someone related to this man has proved abortive.Hence,I have contacted You.I am actually asking for your consent to present you to the Bank as the Next of Kin/Beneficiary of my Late client's fund,since you have the same last name with him ,so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to your account.All the legal documentation to back up your claim as my client's Next of Kin I shall provided them.All i require is your honest cooperation to enable us achieve this transaction.
I wish to point out that I want 10% of this money to be shared among the charity Organization,while the remaining 90% is shared equally between us.This transaction is entirely risk free.I will use my position as the personal Accountant to guarantee the successful execution of this transaction.Please if you are interested get back to me Upon your response.I shall then provide you with more details.
The intended transaction will be executed under a Legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from any breach of the law.However.If this business proposal offends your moral ethic,do accept my sincere apology.
If on the contrary you wish to achieve this goal with me,kindly get back to me with your interest for further explanations.kindest Regards,
Mr.Mike Anderson
Från: Fredrik Ohlsson
Ämne: Re: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 17 januari 2017 08:39:11 CET
Till: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Dear mr Anderson,
Thank you for your mail.
I was devastated to hear that my dear uncle Khan Ohlsson has passed away!
Is there any way I can help you in this moment of grief? On behalf of uncle Khan’s big family here in Sweden, I would really like to support you at least with the funeral arrangements. Given the generous tone in your mail, I take it that you wouldn’t accept any financial support, but maybe we can send flowers for the service, or food for the reception?
Please let me know!Warm regards,
Fredrik Ohlsson, nephew of late Mr Khan Ohlsson
Från: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Ämne: Re: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 17 januari 2017 13:19:46 CET
Till: Fredrik Ohlsson
Dear Fredrik
I received your mail.Thank you so much for your email and also for your desire to assist me in this our mutually beneficial project.I assure you that this transaction is a reality.Your comment tells me that you are reliable and can be trusted.I am not a rich man but i rather remain as I am than to make millions today wind into trouble any step we will take will be such that grantee your safety and mine.this business is 100% risk free.I contacted you because there is no way I can claim this money without the assist of a foreigner.
This Fund Belongs to Mr.Khan Ohlsson who is now The deceased,Until his death he was the Manager of Khan COY[pty].He held this account with HSBC Bank of Ghana.I worked with him as his Personal.Accountant.
My Name is Mr.Mike Anderson.I am 51 years of age old,Married with 2 children .I am from a Christian home and by the Nature of our tradition and being the first born of my Father,I will occupy my Father's traditional Throne chair after he passes on, and being the traditional Chief of our community and as the heir apparent to the Royal Throne chair I can never, never do anything,that will tarnish your image or the image of the Great Celestyna family,the birth place and traditional home.However it is my intention to be with you at least 2-3days ahead of the money going into your A/C then we will sign the binding agreement,after your bank must have been satisfied with the original documents which I will bring along with me to your country to show your bank or it's correspondence bank that the money is legal.
You should know that this opportunity can hardly come my way again in life so I have planned everything very well with an insider in the bank so be rest assured that everything will work out fine fine.
I really want to know more of you and I will want you to keep it very confidential at all times and also to be maintaining constant communications with me knowing that this business should take precedence over any other business for the mean time.
Transactions like this are capital intensive and that was why we have mapped out 5% of the entire sum for all accountable expenses that may be incurred by either you or myself.Eg.Telephone etc.
Let Me have the Following Information. Even Empty Account will be ok as long as is a Foreign Account.
(a)Your private phone,mobile and fax numbers.
(b)Your Full Name and address.
(c)Your date of birth, marriage status.
(D)Your Occupation and Position In your company.
(E)Account Name:
(F)Account Number:
(G)Bank Name:
(H)Bank address:
Routine/Swift Code number (if any):
(I)Your International passport.I hope to receive your urgent response.
Thanks and remain Blessed.
Mr.Mike Anderson
Från: Fredrik Ohlsson
Ämne: Re: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 17 januari 2017 18:48:33 CET
Till: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Dear Mr Anderson,
I am so glad that you wrote back, I was afraid that the whole thing was just a misstake. You see, Khan is a very common name in Sweden, and I thought perhaps it was a different Khan Ohlsson and not my beloved uncle. Just to make sure - was his full name Khan-Börje Ohlsson or Khan-Kalle Ohlsson? It is two different branches of the family you see, and we aren’t particularly fond of the Khan-Börje clan to be honest.I am very surprised to hear that uncle Khan ended up in Ghana! He surely was an adventurous person, and the last anyone heard of him was when he went to sea with a shrimp-trawler back in 1985. Rumors has it that he ended up in Reykjavik and got married, but obviously his restlessness took him all the way to Africa! God sure has mysterious ways!
Please Mr Anderson, you have to tell me, did Khan ever speak about me? We were very close when I was a child and he use to call me his little ”Dumhövve” which is a Swedish nickname for someone you respect highly. Did he ever mention any of this to you? Maybe you were his Dumhövve in Ghana, did he ever call you that?
Please let me know how I easiest can assist you with the funeral arrangements. And Mr Anderson, don’t let the grief get you too disheartened, we both know that Khan wouldn’t have wanted it that way. Cheer up!Warm regards,
Fredrik Ohlsson
Från: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Ämne: Re: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 17 januari 2017 17:28:08 CET
Till: Fredrik Ohlsson
Dear Frederik
I received your mail your uncle die since 5year ago and he was buried here in Ghana.he used your name as next of kin to receive the fund which was deposited in HSBC Bank here .so we want to transfer the fund yo your account.
The total amount is 30Million Dollars.
Pls send all the information need to proceed .
Call me +23323843942
Waiting to hear from yo
Från: Fredrik Ohlsson
Ämne: Re: Attention:Fredrik OhlssonDatum: 18 januari 2017 17:57:05 CET
Till: "Mr.Mike Anderson"
Dear Mr Anderson,
I was really sad to hear that dear uncle Khan has been deceased for as long as five years, and no one of his large family in Sweden had any knowledge of it. It is also really heartbreaking to realize that you have spent all this time trying to get hold of me without ever giving up the hope. From the bottom of my heart; thank you Mr Anderson! Thank you for reaching out over the continents!
I would be very happy if you could help me transfer the funds of Khan Ohlsson to his family here in Sweden. But between you and me, is it possible to make this transaction without the Khan-Börje side of the family get to know about it? As I mentioned, we are not huge fans of them. I will not go in to details, but it all started at the yearly family surströmmingskalas a few years ago where a couple of them (and I will not mention any names here) behaved really bad, to say the least. I sincerely think that old uncle Khan would have wanted them to be kept out of this.
I have to ask you a favor; is it possible for you to deliver some flowers to Khan Ohlsson’s grave from me? Maybe I can do this from Sweden, I don’t know, but it might be easier if I just transfer money for the flowers to you, so that you can make sure they get delivered to the right place. I know it’s a lot to ask for, given all the work you have already put into this, but I feel I have to send Khan Ohlsson this last farewell.
Warm Regards,
Fredrik Ohlsson
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