
Zlatan oroar sig inte en sekund för Norges superlöfte i kväll

Publicerad: 8 juni 2015, kl. 17:18
Uppdaterad: 9 juni 2015, kl. 14:19
Martin Ödegaard och Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Foto: Bildbyrån

Ödegaard vem?

Zlatan Ibrahimovic startar mot Norge i landskampen i kväll, och då kan han ställas emot Real Madrids norska superlöfte Martin Ödegaard. Men det är inget som Zlatan oroar sig för.

På sin Instagram får han en utförlig fråga om den unge norrmannen, som norsk media menar kommer bli större än Zlatan. Men det vill inte Zlatan snacka om.

"Norsk media hyllar den unga Real Madrid-spelaren Martin Ödegaard och menar att han kommer bli större än Zlatan. Samtidigt säger Erik Hamrén att det aldrig kommer att finnas en annan Zlatan. Har du sett Martin Ödegaard spela, och i så fall, vad tycker du om honom?"

Zlatans svar? "Jag har inte sett honom."

I kväll klockan 20.00 möts de.

Q: You have rested for almost a week since you completed the quadruple as the first team in French history. We understand that you have been hiking in the mountains this week. You have said before that you enjoy nature and the calm there. Where were you and how was it? Zlatan: I was in the mountains and it was quite an experience. Q: Tonight you meet Norway in a friendly before the important Euro qualifier at home against Montenegro on June 14th. How is Zlatan, the calf, and the Swedish squad? Zlatan: My body feels OK considering that it has been a week since I touched a ball. Q: Many players will miss or pass up the match against Norway. How do feel about not being able to play the same team that will be facing Montenegro? Zlatan: Not positive, but we have to accept the situation. Q: Norwegian media praise the young Real Madrid player Martin Ödegaard and mean the he will be bigger than Zlatan. On the other hand, Erik Hamrén says that there will never be another Zlatan. Have you seen Martin Ödegaard play at all, and if so, what do you think of the Norwegian talent? Zlatan: Haven’t seen him. Q: Two of your previous clubs walked into Olympiastadion in Berlin to play the Champions League final 2015. The favorites Barcelona won. What do you think of Juve’s journey from the degradation in 2006 to being one of Europe’s top-teams today? Zlatan: I’m happy for them and at the same time proud as I used to play in the club.

A photo posted by IAmZlatan (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on


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