Avry Ramey from Florida, USA, has gotten a lot of attention in the international media after telling the story of how he was raped by his girlfriend. Here he writes about male rape, in a world exclusive opinion piece for Nyheter24.
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A couple of years ago I was at my girlfriends house on her bed when she pinned my wrists down and raped me. She did it until she was tired, when she stopped all I could say was "You fucking raped me", and all she could manage to say was 'I'm sorry'.
We stayed together because I thought we loved each other (we aren't together now). I struggled for a long time with my masculinity, whether or not it was my fault, and if it was even rape.
But in time I came to terms with the fact that it was just that. Rape. In America rape is forcing someone to have sex when they aren't willing. I was not willing. It was rape. People have said "what was he doing in her bed?" But if it were switched it'd be different.
Someone read my story and some comments about the article and they said "We are always taught to understand rape as long as the person fits the narrative." And I believe with male victims of rape this is just that, we are taught children and women can be raped, but never men.
Which is disheartening, because anyone can be raped by anyone. Whatever the rape statistics are for male victims, know that those are only what have been reported. Because there are men out there afraid to report their rape. Or don't believe they'd be believed. So they stay silent. This is the sad truth.
So I decided to try and take a stand, for those who are too afraid, I want to raise awareness. Why go public now you may ask? Because I'm not afraid. Not anymore.
Avry Ramey
Avry Ramey is 23 years old from Florida, USA.
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